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Wayne Weekly “Starry Starry Nights…Clinging to the Heavens”

Written by on August 23, 2016

One of the greatest blessings during my recent camping trip to Fair Haven State Park were the first two nights living under a canopy of stars. The sky was clear the first night, and fairly clear the second. With few lights washing out the starlight, the panorama of the night time sky became incredibly awesome.


My two adventurous daughters Jill and Janelle and I walked around the bluff campsite roads looking for the darkest area for our stargazing. We found a few places and decided to lie down on the grass and look toward the heavens. We picked out a few of the more commonly known constellations, occasionally seeing a satellite or an aircraft traveling the dark sky. But one of our greatest thrills was to see a number of shooting stars, or meteorites burning brightly with glowing florescent like tails as the entered earth’s atmosphere. Short lived they are. One quick moment they were on display, and in a flash…gone.


The expanse of the heavens captured us, and we could hardly break away. The first night a gentle warm breeze added to the magnetism, the sound of the Lake Ontario waves splashing into the stony beach below the bluff added an unforgettable soundtrack to the occasion. Yes, the heavens declare the glory of God!


It was getting late. Much to do the next day, the things you do when you’re camping. But we wished the night would never end…at least in that moment to remember.


“The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament showeth His handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge.”                                       Psalm 19:1-2