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Wayne Weekly “What’s In A Name?”

Written by on September 6, 2016

I’m amused at the ominous names of the midway rides showcasing at the NY State Fair. Sure, the idea is to appeal to the thrill seeker, you know, someone who wants to experience a death defying experience…but not really. There is something in many of us that wants to “cheat death”. Something about so many of us who want to “live on the edge”.


While at the fair this year I took note of some of the rides with a single name that scream “ride me…you’ll never be the same!” How about Speed, Extreme, and Gravitron? Then there’s Storm, Sizzler, and how about my favorite this year… Delusion!


Well, there was a day when I’d be the first…well maybe second in line to enter “the forbidden zone” of amusement park thrills. But no more. Part of it is because the liquid in my inner ear becomes more quickly displaced…and I get dizzy, break out in a cold sweat, and get nauseated, but just as predominant is the thought of “that thing doesn’t look safe!”  I just know that the thing gonna fly off it giant axle, or come undone from its mooring, or simply…tip over. I’ve braved dozens of amusement rides in my life and witnessed hundreds of those safely bring its patrons back safely to earth. I’ve never witnessed an amusement park ride accident (except on-line), yet still I know that if I get on that ride the next day the picture in the headlines will be etched deeply in the minds of people will be of a crumpled mess of colorfully painted steel and broken lights laying across the midway.


I may be exaggerating a bit here, but you get the point.


Names tell a story. A name is a title that you are known by. Not always do people pick names for their children that reflect what the hope or dream for them to be. My parents named me Wayne. It means “wagon wheel maker”. Is that what Dad and Mom hoped I would be…especially in the 20 century when I was born? I don’t think so.


Not only am I known as Wayne, but I’m also known as Christian. In the Greek it generally means “follower of Christ”.  I’ve also heard it defined as “little Christs”. As a believer and known as a Christian bears with it much responsibility. I am to live my life after the ways of Jesus to the best of my ability. The Holy Spirit helps with this as we submit to His leading. That includes determination and commitment.


What’s in a name? Sometimes not a lot. Sometimes a catalyst for buying tickets at the fair. But for all who profess Christ, and are called “Christians” it means a lot, and God expects us to wear the name righteously.