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In the Market w/Janet Parshall

Page: 10

Culture is doing its best to convince the world there is nothing special about Jesus. And many Christians never get beyond a Sunday school understanding of their own faith. As […]

Our rulers have kicked aside our Constitution and common sense. They have demonized our heroes. Now they’re trying to erase the difference between male and female. All while running up […]

Struggling to keep the faith when it seems the world is crumbling around you? Our guest today will take us on a deep dive into Philippians—a letter he considers the […]

In a world where traditional education systems make little or no accommodation for individual learning styles (such as auditory or visual learning), and they’re failing to teach even the basics, […]

This hour we open the phone lines so that you can ask any question you have about narcissism. Why is this dangerously abusive personality so often overlooked in the Church? […]

The U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments on one of the most important cases involving the intersection between Big Tech and the First Amendment. Our resident Constitutional expert will join […]

What is wrong with America today? Is it possible that America could crumble and our democracy fail? Questions like these plague Americans and cause us to be anxious about the […]

At the peak of his career, Cash had done it all—living the ultimate rags-to-riches story of growing up on a cotton farm in the Deep South to becoming a Nashville […]

Join us for an interesting conversation on whether or not God has emotions. If the answer to that question is ‘no,’ does it make Him a cold and distant God? […]

Why would someone raised as a Muslim decide to follow Jesus? What cost would you be willing to pay to be publicly aligned with the Son of God in a […]