Current track



Current show

Thru the Bible

3:04 pm 3:30 pm

Current show

Thru the Bible

3:04 pm 3:30 pm



Page: 7

When NY Gouverneur Cuomo trumpeted the news that he would be signing the most radical abortion expansion bill ever contrived in America, many mouths dropped wide open in shock, while […]

  Most of us are probably familiar with the cliché, “there is strength in numbers”. That makes sense, generally speaking larger armies have the overwhelming advantage over a small one. […]

It’s 2019. Honestly, as I grow in years the New Year’s numerals don’t seem to mean as much as they once did. Another new day comes about after 24 hours. […]

It’s interesting that we now have names for those born in specific generations. You know, the names of generations like Baby Boomers, Millennials, Gen Xers, Generation Y, and Generation Z. […]

Snowmen seem to becoming less and less common these days. It may be because Mom’s would send their kids outside to play in the snow, rather than playing video games […]

While walking our family puggle, Daizy Dew early this morning, I was surprised to see a US Postal Delivery Truck slowed for a stop sign. I don’t recall ever seeing […]

Wrapping gifts is part of Christmas. I’m not really very good at it, probably because I really don’t take the time to learn how to do it perfectly. I manage […]

12 Ingredients for a delicious Thanksgiving:   Love………………………. a home full Thankfulness………….. a heart full Prayer……………………. a hand full Warmth…………………. a soul full Smiles……………………. a mouth full Hugs and kisses……….an […]

Autumn leaves carry a good number of attributes. Color is the big one, of course, but then there is the smell of fall foliage, and the carpet they lay on […]

A call came into my office just yesterday from a faithful WMHQ Malone, NY listener. Dorothy had called maybe 6 months ago asking how she could help get the word […]