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Wayne Weekly “Generation Christmas”

Written by on December 28, 2018

It’s interesting that we now have names for those born in specific generations. You know, the names of generations like Baby Boomers, Millennials, Gen Xers, Generation Y, and Generation Z.

I’m a baby boomer. I think that brands me as somewhat dull on the cutting edge scale.


During this Christmas season I was reminded about how short Jesus life was. Thirty-three years old…that’s not very old. When I was thirty-three I remember thinking that I had my whole life ahead of me. I was just building a family, planning on buying my first home, and felt healthy and just great! I can hardly imagine living only to thirty-three years old. That short life span would be considered tragic.


The fact is, our Savior came to intentionally die. We all pass on, but Jesus came for that purpose. His death was planned from eternity past for the redemption of mankind. His coming as a baby in Bethlehem that night, the angel appearing to the shepherds, the baby lying in a manger, the celestial sign to the Magi, all came about for the purpose of His suffering and death.


The story of the first Christmas is a wonderful one. I have to believe that all the unique elements surrounding Christ’s birth were mapped out by God to help us remember well year after year. A birth so unusual that it would be indelibly written in history…and in the minds and hearts of those who hear of it.


Generation Christmas is when Jesus was born. That’s the generation that really changed the destiny of all who believe. You could say we Christians are “born again” into Generation Christmas.


So next time someone asks you what generation you were born into…answer “Generation Christmas”, then share the new birth with the person who asked. Perhaps you’ll be used to help populate Generation Christmas with a new child of God.


“And when He began His ministry, Jesus Himself was about thirty years of age…”                                                                                                                                                  Luke 3:23