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Wayne Weekly “Summer Reads…Not Always the Perfect Summer Picnic”

Written by on July 28, 2017

This summer I had a goal to read some “challenging to my faith” books. I’ve read two so far and now working on my third.


My first read was a re-run for me, Hudson Taylor’s auto-biography. Hudson Taylor founded the China Inland Mission.


I’m not going to review the book, just to say that Hudson’s incredible testimonial on God’s working in his life and direction in becoming a missionary to China speaks of commitment, commitment, and commitment. Taylor’s physical challenges, not to mention the perils he faced caused me to put a “check” on my Christian steadfastness and devotion.


Book #2 is the sobering and convicting book by the founder of the Voice of the Martyrs, Richard Wurmbrand called “Tortured for Christ”. Richard Wurmbrand spent 14 years in a communist Romanian prison for his faith in Christ. The sufferings he endured were horrendous. Again, the word commitment barges into my thoughts repeatedly.


Just recently I started to read Charles Finney’s “Power from on High”. This one I am working my way through, with a good amount of conviction, especially Finney’s dissertation on prayer. I find myself actually under duress in regards to my personal prayer life.  I don’t like the conviction (or maybe guilt) I’m experiencing. This one….well, I just have to sit down with a spiritual friend or pastor and sort things out.


Books like the ones above can help us examine our faith, but don’t expect it to always be the perfect summer picnic. I didn’t invite the ants…they just showed up.


Finally then, brethren, we request and exhort you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us instruction as to how you ought to walk and please God (just as you actually do walk), that you excel still more.                                             I Thessalonians 4:1