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The polarization of the Middle East has never been more apparent than we continue to see it in the news every day. On In The Market with Janet Parshall this […]

On In The Market with Janet Parshall this week we updated you on where things stand with the Biden administration Title IX rule rewrite and why some states are fighting […]

Despite a deeply divided Cabinet, a vote on making assisted suicide legal could be held before Christmas as the Prime Minister backs plans to fast-track the legislation, according to The Mail on […]

Zhu Chunlin’s testimony explains what “strict control and punishment” and “strengthened learning” mean in Chinese prisons: torture. Zhu Chunlin is a Christian from Shenzhen, who was sentenced for “illegal fundraising.” […]

When the current Pope first made some worrying remarks about how all religions are basically taking us to the same God, I thought I would let others deal with it. […]

[[{“value”:” Prayerfest Precedes Pager Plot in Big Apple Judeo-Christian Event Political and religious leaders who prayed for Israel at the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast in New York this week seemed to […]

[[{“value”:” (SRN NEWS) – According to Life Way Research, 97% of America’s Protestant clergymen will vote — but for whom?  That’s a little tricky. Almost 25% refused to answer that […]

[[{“value”:” (SRN NEWS) – 60% of Americans ages 12 to 27 believe that right and wrong are simply up to each individual — there is no universal standard.  And the […]

[[{“value”:” (SRN NEWS) – The city of Brookings will pay 400,000 dollars in legal fees and has agreed to stop trying to restrict St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church from ministering to […]

[[{“value”:” (SRN NEWS) – The second annual Million Person March For Children is scheduled to take place Friday in cities all across the country.  The event is being organized by […]