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12:05 pm 12:29 pm

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12:05 pm 12:29 pm


Wayne Weekly “Strength in Numbers…and running to win!”

Written by on January 18, 2019


Most of us are probably familiar with the cliché, “there is strength in numbers”. That makes sense, generally speaking larger armies have the overwhelming advantage over a small one. A large crowd demonstrating about a social issue is typically more effective than a small group. And then a he crowd of fans at a sports game has vocal enthusiasm that can drowned out the small cheerleading section rooting for the opposite team. There is strength in numbers. This is not rocket science.

When it comes to credibility and trustworthiness, numbers can be powerfully strong. The Mars Hill Network is 50 Years Strong!

Since 1969 Mars Hill has delivered the powerful message of the gospel to thousands and thousands of radio listeners. Those 50 years of broadcasting span multiple generations resulting in a rescue mission ministry without walls. The outreach of the Mars Hill Network is not limited to that sacred Word of reconciliation, but reaches beyond conversion to construction. The teaching of the Word of God lays a rock solid foundation for building a purposeful and profitable life as it penetrates hearts and nurtures a healthy Christian world view and personal witness.

Thank you to those who had a vision for this radio ministry. Thank you to all those throughout the years that stood on the side lines cheering us along with prayers and financial aid. We are forever grateful to God for “the numbers that have made us 50 Years Strong…and believe me when I say, “We’re still in the race and running to win!”


…So run to win!                                     I Corinthians 9:24