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Nightsounds: Bill Pearce

10:30 pm 10:59 pm

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Nightsounds: Bill Pearce

10:30 pm 10:59 pm


Wayne Weekly “Celestrial Gold Rush”

Written by on October 9, 2018

Perhaps you know a bit of the history of the California Gold Rush.

From 1848, when gold was found by James Marshall at Sutter’s Mill in Coloma, California, to 1855, a stampede of “49ers”, named after the year of the peak of population influx into the “Golden” state, rushed to strike their claim. California’s population grew by nearly 300,000, all with hopes of striking it rich.

Making a dash for wealth was not crazy, though some came down with a severe case of “gold fever”. It’s natural to want to obtain wealth. You and I may not grab a pan and run out west, but we look to wisely invest our savings with hopes of seeing a heathy return. We look for higher dividends on various ways to save our money, or make wise and calculated investments into stock. Of course, that’s assuming that you have the money to invest!

Investments can be wise or foolish. Managing money can be prudent, or can become a selfish obsession that rules (and often ruins) one’s life. It’s not wrong to be financially savvy, but like so many other things, can lead to an addiction.

Harvest is what Mars Hill call’s its annual fall fundraiser. Harvest is a two day effort when we remind listeners that we depend on donor income to continue broadcasting the Word of God, through the many preaching-teaching programs aired, and Christian music expressing a clear message of hope and thanksgiving.

Investing in sound Christian ministry is a wise investment. No, most likely you will not see monetary dividends, but taking stock in the power of the gospel brings great reward as people are rescued from hopelessness, even despair. By financing a mission that reaches out to thousands with the message of redemption brings the greatest of returns, a transformed life.

This November 1 & 2, won’t you join with us in proclaiming the “good news”? Your partnership with us helps to fill your pan with the golden nuggets of the souls who respond to the proclamation of the Word…and that’s worth rushing to!

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.                  2 Corinthians 9:7