Vacation Bible School!

First Baptist Church of Memphis 1960 West Genesee Turnpike, Elbridge, NY, United States

First Baptist Church of Memphis, NY is hosting our 2023 Vacation Bible School - Stompers and Chompers! (For 2 years old - entering 6th grade)! A dinosaur theme where kids explore our world before the Flood, complete with fun-loving characters, lush jungle environments, and dino-sized experiences. Students learn ageless truths from the faith and failures […]


Homeschool seminar

First Baptist Church of Memphis 1960 West Genesee Turnpike, Elbridge, NY, United States

You are invited to a free seminar led by an experienced homeschool mom. You will find encouragement and kind advice. You will learn about the essential steps on this journey from documentation to picking the right curriculum. The seminar will be followed by refreshments - a great time to ask any additional questions. (Refreshments are […]